HOA MEETING 9/16/2024 Below is the meeting link for the 9/16 HOA virtual meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:30 PM. Please note the meeting platform as been moved to Microsoft Teams.
Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 291 093 721 924 Passcode: ebVuUc Dial in by phone +1 321-430-0879,,948472695# United States, Orlando Find a local number Phone conference ID: 948 472 695# Join on a video conferencing device Tenant key: [email protected] Video ID: 115 500 751 3 More info TRASH REQUEST FOR RESIDENTS IN SAGER AVE BUILDINGS: Due to an increase in our Trash Collection company missing trash obscured behind the stairwells on Sager Ave, and a subsequent rise in complaints from the City about illegal trash dumping along Sager Ave, The Board asks residents of our Sager Ave buildings to refrain from placing their trash along the front of their buildings and, instead, to add place it inside the community alongside other trash until a solution is provided.
ILLEGAL PARKING / TOWING: The board were recently made aware of residents without disabled parking permits repeatedly parking in designated disabled spaces. If you see a vehicle without a DMV issued disabled parking permit in a designated disabled parking space please call DOMINION TOWING on (703) 339-2400
DROUGHT WATCH A drought watch has been declared for Fairfax County. Please take measures to conserve water within our community. The drought watch precedes a drought warning, when water restrictions could become mandatory. Here are some simple tips you can use to optimize indoor and outdoor water use: • Monitor watering lawns, plants and shrubs. • Fix any plumbing leaks – especially toilets and faucets. • Reduce shower length. • Turn off water while brushing your teeth. • Wash full loads of dishes and clothes.
Remember that if you use excessive amounts of water the ENTIRE COMMUNITY pays for that. See the complete list of water conservation tips at: https://www.fairfaxwater.org/conservation
Trash Reminder: The Board wishes to remind residents that Garbage & Recyclables should NOT be placed outside before 8:00pm the night BEFORE collection. Trash Collections are on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please remember that all garbage & recyclables needs to be in bags that are property secured.
Failure to follow these rules risks our community incurring fines and citations from The City of Fairfax. These expenses drain our overall funds. If you have renters you must make them aware of this issue.
How to submit a work order? See something that you feel needs attention? Please submit a work order so we can get it repaired: 1. Sign into your Crossing Condominium account on the First Service Residential portal: https://thecrossing.connectresident.com (you'll need to register first) 2. Once you are logged in, select "Service Requests" under Quick Actions. 3. Complete required information in the form. 4. Submit the form.
For a video demonstration, please view this Youtube video